1/64 Grain Bin #60 165,000 bushel

1/64th scale Grain Bin #60
Age Grade 3+Plastic
This bin would be 60 feet in diameter x 81 feet tall in real life
About 11 1/4 inches in diameter x 15 1/4 inches tall
This bin can also be used for 1/16th scale setups
It would be a 15 foot diameter x 20 foot tall in real life for
Made of one piece construction
Portable grain augers do not reach this bin with out using a roof auger ST50602
The grain leg system with 2 extension pieces will reach this bin
Holds 165,407 bushels level full to eave
Holds 194,4182 bushels peak full
Made in the USA
1/64th scale Grain Bin #60
Age Grade 3+Plastic
This bin would be 60 feet in diameter x 81 feet tall in real life
About 11 1/4 inches in diameter x 15 1/4 inches tall
This bin can also be used for 1/16th scale setups
It would be a 15 foot diameter x 20 foot tall in real life for
Made of one piece construction
Portable grain augers do not reach this bin with out using a roof auger ST50602
The grain leg system with 2 extension pieces will reach this bin
Holds 165,407 bushels level full to eave
Holds 194,4182 bushels peak full
Made in the USA