1/64 Grain Leg Bin Loop Converyor System Kit

1/64th scale Grain Bin Loop Converyor System Kit
Age Grade 14+3D Printed Plastic
- Comes with the six parts pictured to make a loop to fill 2 bins
- Use 3/16 inch tubing (KS1111) to connect the drops and pieces together
- Extra drops (ST50622) can be puchased to add additional bins
Real Grain Loop System pictured
Made in the USA
1/64th scale Grain Bin Loop Converyor System Kit
Age Grade 14+3D Printed Plastic
- Comes with the six parts pictured to make a loop to fill 2 bins
- Use 3/16 inch tubing (KS1111) to connect the drops and pieces together
- Extra drops (ST50622) can be puchased to add additional bins
Real Grain Loop System pictured
Made in the USA